Does your ministry stop when you step outside of church? from Joyce Meyer Ministries on Vimeo.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Secret Santa spreads joy, disbelief in Kansas City
EmailPrint..– Tue Dec 14, 9:45 pm ET
KANSAS CITY, Mo. – Secret Santa II hit the streets Tuesday in a long-standing Kansas City tradition of handing out $100 bills — sometimes several at a time — to unsuspecting strangers in thrift stores, food pantries and shelters.
Some people gasped in surprise. Some wanted to know if the $100 bill the tall man in the red cap offered was fake. Others wept.
Secret Santa II has seen a lot of reactions since taking over where his mentor, Kansas City's original Secret Santa, Larry Stewart, left off when he died in 2007 at age 58. Like Stewart, who gave away more than $1 million to strangers each December in mostly $100 bills, this Secret Santa prefers to stay anonymous.
A fake white beard taped to his face, Secret Santa II handed out about $10,000 in total Tuesday. Recipients included a police officer with terminal cancer, a homeless man pushing a rickety old shopping cart, an 81-year-old woman who had recently told her 27 grandchildren she wouldn't be able to afford any Christmas gifts, and Bernadette Turner, a 32-year-old unemployed mother of two.
"It's hard to come by," Turner said looking in disbelief at the $200 Secret Santa had given her.
Then one of Santa's "elves" — another tall man in a red cap — sidled up to next to Turner, asked a few questions, and handed her an additional $100. Turner, whose children are 3 and 8, was overcome.
"I can only afford one gift for each child. But now ...." she said, wiping tears from her cheeks and reaching out for a hug.
"Do you believe in Santa Claus?" Capt. Ray Wynn of the Kansas City, Mo., Fire Department, asked from a few feet away. Wynn had followed Stewart on many "sleigh rides" around the country and now follows this Secret Santa, providing stories, memories and amusing sound effects.
"I do now," Turner said. "I do now."
Secret Santa II took over from Stewart about the time the recession hit and the economy went into a tailspin. Like Stewart, this Secret Santa doesn't talk about his own finances, where those $100 bills come from and if — like for so many people now — they've been harder to come by.
Come December, he just fills his pockets with money, dons his red cap and heads out looking for people to make really happy.
He will likely hand out about $40,000 this December. He says he'll go "till the money runs out."
"The recession, unemployment. This is the time you don't want to stop. You don't want to back off," he said.
He walked up to Peggy Potter, 59, of Kansas City, Kan., who was looking at some framed prints at a thrift store. He made some small talk, put his arm around her and within minutes she was crying. Her son died about a year and a half ago. Her husband died in July and her daughter died soon after that.
"I'm just ... today's been a rough day for me, just thinking about my loved ones," she said. "I've been having a hard time paying for all the funerals."
Santa gave her $200, listened more, hugged her, and told her the poster she was holding had special meaning. It was a photo of two hands, one large, one small. Words printed at the bottom could have been written by Secret Santa, the original or the current one.
It said: "Kindness in giving creates love."
Posted by Positive*Energy
Thursday, December 9, 2010
The Gift of Giving
I had the sincere honor to work with the volunteers of GRACE yesterday and I am beyond blown away at the tremendous support of contributions and volunteers working together to make sure this is a good holiday for those in need. I was able to do the fun stuff of picking out what clothes and toys would go to each family and wrapping the gifts for them. I browsed many items and I expected (since every item was donated) that there would be a lot of dollar store toys or thin items of clothing that would most likely tear with the first washing, but there wasn't a single item that appeared as if it were just randomly purchased without generous thought. I almost cried because I could almost see every toy and clothing item being carefully selected. I could see the person scrutinizing over whether the toy would be something fun or educational or whether it would be something to bring a happy tear to the eyes of an excited child and an appreciative mother who just wants the best for her children, but can't afford to provide that for them. It's overwhelming to imagine the different situations and to wrap your mind around all the unconditional love that everyone is pouring into this. It leaves you speechless to be in the middle of it all.
For those of you that do not understand what 'Positive Energy' means...what I described is a perfect example of positive energy. Taking the best parts of you and sharing it unconditionally with the world; being completely selfless and genuinely using God's grace to take care of those in need even if you are one of them also. God made us to be so special and it would be careless to let our gifts go to waste. I pray that everyone takes the time to be completely selfless at least once a day. It doesn't necessarily have to be joining a charity either; sometimes the smallest good deed can be what brings about the greatest happiness to someone else.
Christmas time is the best time of year to find organizations and charities because there tend to be more during these holidays; however, I encourage this kind of selfless devotion of time and energy throughout the year as well. Get in contact with your local churches and organizations and find out how you can make a difference to others in your community. If there aren't any activities going on then lead your own cause or reach out to as many as possible on your own. Another way of helping would be to step out of yourself and pay attention to friends, family, or even a complete stranger who wears a mark of sadness over them. You could really make someone's day by simply being a shoulder to cry on or even bring a lasting smile to someone with a witty joke or two. The possibilities are endless and every deed requires so little, but the rewards are so grand. God bless everyone!
Posted by Positive*Energy
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Unseen gifts poem (Untitled and author unknown)
You gave on the way a pleasant smile
And thought no more about it.
It cheered a life that had been dark the while
Which might have been wrecked without it.
And so for that smile that was given there,
You'll have a reward sometime-somewhere. You spoke one day a cheering word,
And passed to other duties.
It cheered a heart; new promise stirred
And painted a life with beauties.
And so for that word of golden cheer,
You'll have a reward sometime-somewhere. You lent a hand to a fallen one;
life in love was given.
You saved a soul when hope was gone
And helped him on toward heaven.
and, so for that help you offered there,
You'll have a reward sometime-somewhere. Author Unknown
And passed to other duties.
It cheered a heart; new promise stirred
And painted a life with beauties.
And so for that word of golden cheer,
You'll have a reward sometime-somewhere.
life in love was given.
You saved a soul when hope was gone
And helped him on toward heaven.
and, so for that help you offered there,
You'll have a reward sometime-somewhere.
Posted by Positive*Energy
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Poverty Tells Stories
This is a subject that's always near and dear to my heart. I'm going to share something very personal because it goes along with this video, and I cried my eyes out once I watched it. My mom and I were homeless at one point, very briefly, but we started out in a station wagon when I was real young. Eventually we upgraded to a broken down trailer in a junk yard. I remember sleeping in the car, but not very vividly; I do, however, remember the junk yard and it was one of the greatest times in my life. My toys were the broken down bicycle without any wheels or the old school bus loaded with garbage or the wide array of classic cars left out to rot. I amused myself with things that I found just lying around and I used my imagination to entertain me and I never once felt that I needed more. The only time that I was hurt was when we only had enough food to feed me and my mom would eat whatever I didn't finish. She worked three jobs to get us out of that situation, but it took a very long time. I didn't know then, but Mom only ate Gerber food because it was all that she could afford because my table scraps, alone, were not enough to sustain her. We stood in the lines at the food bank and I used to make friends with everyone around me. I played with the homeless guy and I was the most giddy little girl whenever Mom and I would get free food from strangers. I didn't understand at the time, but I understand now. My mom was tormented with our poverty, but I was having the time of my life. I loved that junk yard, I enjoyed sleeping next to my mom in the car, I enjoyed meeting those humble strangers. My mom made sure that I was always taken care of and life, for me, was RICH. So when I saw this video, especially the ending, I couldn't help but to be torn up inside. When you have nothing, something is everything; when you have everything something is nothing. So many of us live in abundance and yet we remain unhappy. I pray that you look upon your life with excitement and joy each day even during times when it feels as if you have nothing. I pray that you reach your hand out to those in need and share your love with others, even if love is all you can give. I pray that you are thankful for everything that God provides for you and that you make use of all your blessings. I pray that you never look down on another nor that you believe yourself greater in any way. I pray for humanity to be rich in life and love and laughter, not only material wealth. I pray that everyone sees the beauty in every situation and knows that everything happens in life for a reason. I pray for many things, but know that I pray for humanity every day and my prayers are answered every day; it is just up to others to receive it.
God bless you!
Posted by Positive*Energy
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Great story and a wonderful lesson
I was going through and deleting my emails this morning and I didn't know who this came from so I deleted it, but then I had a feeling to dig in my trash and open it up to read it. I'm very glad that I did because this was a wonderful story. It's funny how appropriate it is right now too and I think that everyone can identify with running ahead of God once in awhile. I think that I received this email for a reason and perhaps someone else is reading this for a reason too. If not, then I hope that this at least brings a smile to someone today. :)
Running Ahead
By Melodi Leih
My friend Sheila and I were at the mall with our four-year-old girls beside us and our two small boys in strollers. My daughter Megan pushed the elevator button and as the doors opened, she and her friend Daniella stepped inside. Before Sheila and I could push the strollers in, the elevator doors closed with the girls inside, frantically calling for us as the elevator took off. I quickly headed up the escalator to try and catch them. When I reached the elevator upstairs, the girls were nowhere to be found and no one had seen them get off. I checked the other floors and then raced back downstairs.
As I arrived, the elevator doors opened with the girls inside. I have never before been so relieved. For years after, Megan refused to get into an elevator unless I got in first, saying, “I’m not going ahead of you anymore Momma.” Words of wisdom to be sure.
When I think about what “could be” in my life or the lives of my kids, I can easily get ahead of God as if my way would get me there faster. But in reality, I just end up getting lost like my daughter did. God has a plan for me and my children that I can trust. He is in control, so I’ll stand beside him, and not run ahead.
Dear God, thank you for the plans you have for me and my family. Teach me to not run ahead so I won’t miss out on the wonders you have in store.
Posted by Positive*Energy
Monday, October 11, 2010
Britt Nicole - The Lost Get Found (Official Music Video)
Britt and I would make a great team! Her and I are both on a mission to change the world and we are little by little. If we can make a difference in at least one person's life then our time on Earth would not have been wasted. I hope this song empowers others as it does me. It keeps me going through the day. <3
Posted by Positive*Energy
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Count Your Blessings.
Try to be grateful for even the difficult and challenging situations that arise in your life.It is often through these situations that we experience the most profound spiritual and emotional growth.You can learn to view each apparent obstacle as an opportunity to develop a new quality , strength, skill,insight,or wisdom and be grateful for the lessons.Each and every challenge is another opportunity for growth and expansion.
Count your blessings instead of your crosses;
Count your gains instead of your losses.
Count your joys instead of your woes;
Count your friends instead of your foes.
Count your smiles instead of your tears;
Count your courage instead of your fears.
Count your full years instead of your lean;
Count your kind deeds instead of your mean.
Count your health instead of your wealth;
Love your neighbor as much as yourself.
'' Of all the attitudes we can acquire , surely the attitude of gratitude is the most important , and by far the most life-changing.'' Zig Ziglar.
I get sent daily emails from 'Positive Thoughts' and this one was today's message. I highly encourage their blog and their daily positive thoughts (the name is so fitting).
Posted by Positive*Energy
Friday, September 24, 2010
Eddie Fisher August 10, 1928 – September 22, 2010
This is a great song that we all can take something from. Me, personally, I fall asleep appreciating the day and everything that God has given to our family each and every day so this song suits me just fine. I wish the same for others; to know how blessed we all are, even in our most trying times.
To Eddie, I never knew you but I have only heard fond things about you from someone who actually knew you well. You will be missed. May you walk with God today and rest peacefully in His love.
Posted by Positive*Energy
Sunday, September 12, 2010
We Fought For You Video
Our church showed this video last night and it is wonderful. There's so much more to being an American then just claiming to be proud to be one and there's more to thanking a veteran and their sacrifices then just a simple 'thank you'. Actually take the time to know the history and understand what makes them heroes; that's the greatest thank you of all. Remember, they fought for you.
Posted by Positive*Energy
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Whole Foods Sham
I would like to make one big point, though. Yes, Whole Foods is in the wrong for this whole situation; however, 'Made in China' is still on the labels so it is your responsibility to check those labels to see where your food was grown. Individual responsibility. It does take time to quality check every item that you use, but it is worth it in the end.
Posted by Positive*Energy
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Dove Evolution
I want to point out that the lady in this video was beautiful to begin with. The hair and the makeup did not enhance any of her features, but rather changed them. The stylists did not see this woman's true beauty or they wouldn't have changed a thing. True beauty lies within. It is not something that can be enhanced with mascara or lip stick, but a good mind, heart, and spirit would make you more beautiful than words could ever describe.
Posted by Positive*Energy
Thursday, August 12, 2010
The Best Beauty Tricks
Audrey Hepburn's Beauty Tips
For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
For beautiful hair, let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day.
For poise, walk with the knowledge you'll never walk alone.
People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; Never throw out anybody.
Remember, If you ever need a helping hand, you'll find one at the end of your arm.
As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.
The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.
The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole, but true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows, and the beauty of a woman with passing years only grows!
Sam Levenson
Contrary to what some may think, Audrey Hepburn did not write this beautiful poem, Sam Levenson did. Levenson wrote "Time Tested Beauty Tips" for his grandchild, and it just so happened to be one of Audrey's favorite poems. She read it to her children on the very last Christmas Eve she spent with us here on Earth.
Posted by Positive*Energy
Monday, August 9, 2010
FDA's Agenda to Stop Natural Health Research
I had heard about the issue of the government trying to take away supplements in the news that played as the background noise months ago and I didn't pay any attention to it since our family didn't use supplements, but once I started reading about how this effects alternative medicine as a whole, I felt that it was necessary for me to start paying attention. I read an article in Energy Times magazine (I will give a link to this article as well as many others at the end of this blog) that really unravelled the true intentions of the Food and Drug Administration. The FDA's motto is 'Safety First' (so I've read), but I think the only thing that they are trying to ensure is the safety of their wallets. Let me begin by explaining how this all works.
The reason that vitamins and herbs are so easily accessible is because of the Dietary Supplement and Health Education Act (DSHEA). This bill was passed in 1994 and it limited the FDA's ability to regulate supplements because it categorized them as foods versus medicine. The only time that they were able to intervene was if the supplement had been reported as unsafe to use. This allows us to go to our local health shop or even pharmacy and have free choice to treat our minor ailments with vitamins and herbs rather than harmful pharmaceuticals. Not only are supplements the healthier choice, but they are more affordable. It costs less to buy a bottle of Fish Oil for high blood pressure then it does to buy prescription medication and to pay for the medical bills from the doctor. If these supplements were to be labeled as drugs then they would all be pulled off the shelves and would only be accessible over the counter or by prescription. This would mean that you would have to get a prescription from your doctor to buy Vitamin E or Ginseng. Those easy to get, $10 bottles of vitamins will not be that affordable once they are in the hands of the pharmaceutical companies, either. It gets a little scarier too.
Another area of alternative medicine that is being attacked is research that investigates the various uses of herbs, vitamins, fruits, vegetables, nuts etc. The FTC is trying to silence the benefits of natural healing to ensure that the public does not know that they can control minor health concerns with a few changes to their diet. We know that strawberries are high in vitamin C which gives us an incredible boost in our immune system or that avocados can help to regulate blood pressure; but it is the FTC (and other organizations) that are trying to stop that information from getting to the public. Imagine how much money they would lose if more and more people became aware that they can treat their ailments naturally and simply quit using their prescription meds. Here's an idea, pharmaceutical companies make up 17% of the revenue spent in the United States. Approximately $34 billion was spent on alternative medicine in 2009 (according to MSNBC). The numbers speak for themselves. If alternative medicine and free speech on natural science were taken away then that would leave us no choice but to run to the doctors for more medicine. Here's another scary thought too. If science was stopped then there would be no evidence that supplements were even effective therefore insurance companies would not cover the cost of them. Imagine that $10 bottle of vitamins reaching to $50 or even $100 per bottle and your insurance company flipping you the tab.
There is good news, though; there is still something that we can do about it. The Free Speech About Science Act (HR4913) was introduced to the House of Representatives back in March. Right now it is being pigeonholed and will most likely be discarded unless there is more interest by the public to make this more of an issue. We still have our rights in America; therefore, we still have our right to free speech and it is time that we use it. Write to your local congressmen and request that they support HR 4913 which will allow for scientific research on natural remedies be accessible to everyone. Senator McCain created a bill called the Dietary Supplement Safety Act that would eliminate these supplements, but he withdrew his bill and is now a supporter of supplements; no doubt the change of heart came from his overwhelming numbers of outraged citizens geared up and ready for battle. This just proves that we CAN make a difference and our voices are heard. To learn more just follow the links below.
Nutritional Health Alliance website:
(This is a great website and it even has a tool that will help you write a letter to your congressmen and send it to them too.)
To find contact information for your local congressman:
Our source articles:,,
Track the progress of HR 4913: It didn't get very far, did it?
Posted by Positive*Energy
Labels: FDA, free speech, free speech abut science act, herbs, HR 4913, supplements
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
BMT video- One of many stories to come
This video was mainly the Bone Marrow Transplant procedure, but click on the link if you are interested to learn more about the story of Hailey Marie.
To be continued.... :)
Posted by Positive*Energy
Friday, July 30, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
What You're Really Getting From Your Meds
I saw a Lunesta commercial on TV and I was so disgusted that I ran to find a video online to share with everyone and I found one a little better. This one is a collage of clips from a few prescription drugs and their side affects from their ads. One of the side affects is severe depression and possible thoughts of suicide! If your health issue doesn't kill you these medicines will. Ask your doctor if he prescribes death to you next time they decide to whip out a prescription instead of finding out the true source of your medical concern. Just because they prescribe it doesn't mean that you have to take it...the same with the diagnosis.
Posted by Positive*Energy
Labels: Doctors, Medicine, Prescription Drugs, Video
Monday, July 26, 2010
Every Monday Matters | Every Monday Matters
I was looking around this morning for that 'pick-me up' cup of coffee video when I stubled on this one. It's a few facts on things that we can do to help one another and they have a few great ideas. I can expand on their ideas too, but that will come in a later blog. I hope that this video sparks something inside you to go reach out to someone or something in need. God bless and have a wonderful Monday.
Every Monday Matters Every Monday Matters
Posted by Positive*Energy
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Depression-This will be a continuing blog
I've been doing a lot of reading about nutrition and the affects of not balancing the right diet and it's astounding how much our diet really affects us without even realizing it. It's a no brainer that 'food is fuel' and our body needs proper nutrition in order to sustain itself. We've all been taught that since we were young and it is drilled into our heads daily, but then why are there still so many health problems in America? We know that diet and exercise controls every function in our daily life, even in our sleep, so then why do we run to doctors when our health begins to worsen? A study done in June 2010 revealed that 100,000 people died from taking prescription drugs, and that is with the patient taking the medicine as directed without error to dosage or pharmaceutical errors. Considering that 100,000 people die from medicine each year, just imagine how many people are surviving but are simply living a lesser quality of life as a result of medication.
One thing that I keep stumbling on is depression, and it's been reoccurring so often lately that I just saw that as a sign to do more research on the matter. I've listened to the advertisements and I've seen the ads for antidepressants, but I'm not buying the hype. I read one article that read that 14 million people in America reported having serious depressive episodes in the last year and 35 million people reported having those same episodes throughout their lifetime so far. 14 million! Wake up people! There is no way that 14 million people in America [that are so absolutely miserable with their lives that they actually are drawn to thoughts of suicide] are leading natural and healthy lifestyles. What the study should've further investigated is how many of those 14 and 35 million people ate whole, natural foods and how many of them exercised regularly, how many of them were on any prescription drugs, how many of them just maybe needed a companion instead of a prescription. There are so many different factors to depression that need to be understood and researched prior to running to a therapist for help. You are led to believe that you 'need' the pill in order to live, but in reality that pill is killing you. In 2000, over $10 billion was spent on antidepressants in that year alone. I've been doing additional reading on the side-effects of prescription drugs and they are often much worse then the disease itself. I randomly chose a popular antidepressant to learn more about the side effects.
Xanax- changes in appetite, loss of sexual desire, constipation, dizziness, drowsiness, tiredness, trouble concentrating, unsteadiness, and weight gain.
This is only some of the common side-effects, and depression might actually be another side-effect as well. It is not just a side effect of the medication, though. Of course you're going to be depressed when you gain 15 pounds, can't have sex with your partner, are falling behind at work because you can't concentrate, can't play with your kids because you're too tired, and you're pissed off because your tank is backed up but you still can't use the bathroom. Is this a fair trade for 'happiness'?
This is going to be a blog that is going to be forever continuing because it is now something that I've taken personally because I see this as an unnecessary burden on everyone. I called it a disease earlier, but it's only a disease if you allow it to become one. The doctors use that word as a scare tactic to manipulate you into thinking that this is out of your control and that is what made them $10 billion dollars richer in 2000 alone. Just imagine how much they make now by your misfortune...a fortune.
Here are a few tips to beat the blues:
Get plenty of rest.
*Turn off the TV and computer about 2 hours prior to going to sleep so that your mind has the ability to slow itself down.
*Read a good book or magazine to settle your nerves before you lay down.
*Do not eat just before bedtime because your body uses your relaxing time to repair your body's cells and tissues and your metabolism slows to allow for this to occur.
*Engage in at least 30 minutes of exercise each day as this will help to create endorphins which will enhance your mood.
*Taking a brisk walk through nature (or any exercise that you do outdoors) has proven to be more uplifting than working out in a gym.
*Find an activity that you enjoy that requires you to be physically active (i.e. sports). Doing something that you enjoy will make it more about fun rather than a workout.
*Omega 3-rich foods such as walnuts, salmon, and flaxseed are great for preventing and combating depression.
*This list will continue as a separate blog to come later this week along with great recipes that will help to fight depression and other limiting moods.
To be continued....
Posted by Positive*Energy
Labels: antidepressants, depression, natural ways of dealing with depression
Monday, July 19, 2010
'The Secret to You' by the authors of 'The Secret'
We are more in control then we think; that's the problem, though. We can't change our lives until we decide to change our minds. Focusing on the negative brings the negative, and focusing on the positive brings the positive.
“It takes but one positive thought when given a chance to survive and thrive to overpower an entire army of negative thoughts.” Robert H. Schuller (my pastor)
Posted by Positive*Energy
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Apple Cider Vinegar
You may find out more about this product and more of its uses at
Our family recently got sun toasted and my mom suggested a bath in apple cider vinegar to take the sting out; sure enough, she was right. I have a book that details all the uses of this amazing product, but I hadn't read it up until the other day. I was flipping through this morning and, wouldn't you know it, there was the tip on how to soothe sunburns with apple cider vinegar. I've always used apple cider vinegar whenever some health issue comes up with our family and it never disappoints me. Here are a few of the ways that it has been helpful to us:
Reducing Fever- I have scanned the internet so many times on the natural ways to reduce fevers and we have been fortunate that some of them really worked. High fevers need to be monitored closely, but for the most part, apple cider vinegar baths can help to bring down fevers. I soak my family in a lukewarm bath with about a cup of vinegar for about 20 minutes. Following the bath, I dip their socks in the tub and have them wear the socks after they get out. It sounded crazy the first time I read it too, but it has helped many times. I also dip a washcloth in cool water and vinegar and rest it on their foreheads. Infants and toddlers are a bit tricky because you have to keep a close monitor on their temperatures at all times, but you should find some relief with these tips.
Getting Rid of UTI's- Pregnant ladies and ladies who are post-partum can really appreciate this because we all understand how miserable these infections can be. I'm not a fan of drinking apple cider vinegar, but I would much rather suffer through that then a UTI anyday. 1 cup of apple cider vinegar followed by plenty of water throughout the day can help save you a trip to the ER. It's a good natural urinary cleanser and I take about 1Tbs just for shoots and giggles once in awhile to keep my body clean. Here is the link to a website that has more tips on relieving a UTI naturally.
Sunburns- (This is what the book recommends) Gently pat the skin with ACV and leave it on to relieve the burn and the stinging. For bad burns, pour 1-2 cups of ACV in a cool bath and soak in it. Follow up with the ACV pat mentioned earlier. Use aloe vera gel and wear overnight. Voila! Instant comfort and aided healing!
These are just a few more of the uses that I found in the book that others may find useful.
Constipation- (This is what the book recommends) Boil 2 cups of water and add 2 Tbs of flaxseed; do this for about 10 minutes. Strain the flaxseed and add more water if necessary as it becomes jelli-like. Drink one cup of this mixture with 1 tsp of vinegar first thing in the morning and repeat until your bowels move regularly again.
Acne- (This is what the book recommends) Take 1 quart of water and add 3 Tbs ACV and boil it. remove from heat and place your face over the pan with a towel draped over the head to trap the steam. Pat ACV on your skin with a cottonball to remove dirt and oil. Do this process twice and then use a cold ACV mixture to close the pores once you are all done.
Dandruff, dry hair, thinning hair- (This is what the book recommends) Pour 2 Tbs ACV in a cup. Moisten cotton with water then soak in the ACV. Part the hair in sections and apply directly to scalp. Leave on for fifteen minutes and don't wash your hair for about 2-3 hours following this treatment. This should be done daily for those with acute problems.
The list goes on, but I highly recommend just buying/renting/borrowing the book 'Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar: Miracle Health System' by Paul Bragg. You may find it here if you would like to learn more about it or to purchase it from the Bragg website.
Posted by Positive*Energy
Labels: Apple Cider Vinegar, Braggs, Natural healing
Saturday, July 17, 2010
New ways to connect!
There are now other ways to connect to Positive*Energy! You can find us on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube!
Our Facebook page:Positive*Energy Facebook
Our Twitter page:Positive*Energy Twitter
Our YouTube page:Positive*Energy YouTube
If you wish to reach us via email:
We hope that you enjoy the sites and God bless!
Posted by Positive*Energy
Friday, July 16, 2010
The Miracle is You video by Kute Blackson
I was sent this video and it was wonderful. It sheds scientific light on how amazing our bodies are and if there was any better reason to take care of ourselves, it would be to ensure that our beautiful bodies can continue to work as wonderfully as they are now. Enjoy!
Posted by Positive*Energy
Friday, April 16, 2010
Italian Harvest Vegetable Soup
A rule of thumb whenever you are trying to prepare a healthy meal is to try and add as many colors as possible to whatever dish you are making. The more fruits and vegetables that you add to a meal increase the number of vitamins and antioxidants that your body is able to use. This dish is becoming one of our household's favorite because it tastes good and it is jam-packed with an assortment of vegetables. I got this recipe out of a magazine awhile back and I had added a few different ingredients for a different flavor. This recipe can be adjusted to taste, but provides a good foundation for a healthy soup. I'm still tinkering with the herbs and seasonings to get it to the right flavor for us, but here is what worked last time.
Italian Harvest Vegetable Soup
• 2 c chopped celery
• 2 large carrots, sliced
• 1 large onion (I used 1/2 of one onion and it worked for us)
• 2 tbs olive oil
• 4 medium cloves minced garlic
• 1/2 red bell pepper sliced thin
• 1/2 green bell pepper sliced thin
• 6 c water
• 1 28 oz can of tomatoes (recipe asks for diced or fire roasted undrained, but I used stewed Italian)
• 1 c corn kernels
• 1 tsp whole fennel seed
• 1 tsp dried oregano
• 1/2 tsp dried thyme
• 1/2 tsp dried rosemary
• 4-5 oz fresh baby spinach leaves (I used frozen and they turned out nicely)
• 1 sm zucchini sliced 1/4-1/2 inch
I added a little bit of chicken bouillon (I don't measure what I add so you'll have to adjust to your flavor). I didn't have vegetable stock handy so chicken bouillon was the alternative. I recommend vegetable broth for flavor and health reasons; it has less sodium than chicken bouillon. I also added in some more herbs and seasonings, but I didn't record them.
1. Chop celery, carrots, and onion into 1/2 inch dice.
2. Heat oil on medium -high in a large, heavy bottom pot. Add celery, carrots, and onion. Sautee until edges are golden brown, about 10 minutes. Reduce heat to medium and add garlic and bell peppers. Stir frequently for 1-2 minutes, then add water, tomatoes, corn, fennel, oregano, thyme, and rosemary. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 30-40 minutes. Add spinach and zucchini, simmer another 5 minutes, salt and pepper to taste, and serve.
This is the recipe from the magazine, but feel free to tinker with it as you wish. Happy eating!
Posted by Positive*Energy
Friday, March 12, 2010
Oriental Gingered Vegetables
1c broccoli florets
1c thinly sliced carrots
1c sliced asparagus
1c thinly sliced mushrooms
1/2 c julienned sweet red peppers
1 Tbs peeled minced gingerroot (I used ½ tsp fresh ground ginger)
1 clove garlic, minced
1 Tbs Sesame oil
1 Tbs low-sodium soy sauce (I used Bragg’s Liquid Amino Acids)
*Steam the beans, broccoli, carrots, and asparagus until crisp-tender, about 5 minutes.
* In a large, nonstick frying pan over medium-high heat, sauté the mushrooms, peppers, ginger, and garlic in the oil until light brown, about 3 minutes.
* Add the steamed vegetables and soy sauce. Stir fry for 1 to 2 minutes.
* Enjoy!
Note: I used fresh vegetables for this recipe and that greatly effects the flavor. If you are concerned about the affordability of fresh vegetables then please read my blog Tips for Spending Less on Produce.
Posted by Positive*Energy
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Natural Ways to Beat the Flu Blues
It's that time again! Tis the season to be stuck in the house with yet another nasty cold. Here are some ways of beating the flu blues and getting back on your feet naturally.
Drink Plenty of Liquids
Your body uses more water when you are sick because it flushes out your lymphatic system that helps your immune system to work; therefore, you need to drink more fluids to help provide your body with the necessary water it requires to get you feeling better. Dehydration could become a problem if you are not getting enough, as well.
Don't Only Rest
Rest is good in a small degree, but spending most of your time sleeping and lounging around the house is actually bad for you. A few minutes outside a day can do wonders if you have a cold, and being active causes your lymphatic system to be more productive in fighting off your illness. Sweating is another way of ridding your body of toxins; therefore, moderate movement can be helpful.
Steam and Eucalyptus
This makes for a wonderful combination! I recommend putting a few drops of eucalyptus oil into a warm bath and soaking in it or putting a small amount in a vaporizer in your room while you sleep. It can also be applied to your chest and under your nose and throat; this is a soothing affect that will also help break up some of the mucus. If you are having a hard time sleeping because your nose is stuffed up, you can apply a few drops of eucalyptus oil to a warm washcloth and let it rest over your nose and mouth while you fall asleep.
Say No to Drugs
Unless you or your child has a fever that is steadily increasing to dangerous levels then I suggest you try the natural approach before medicine becomes necessary. Medicine only serves to treat the symptoms rather than the whole illness, so you're not doing very much by feeding yourself pain reliever and fever reducer. As long as you maintain a healthy immune system, it will work hard to fight off this illness quicker; give your body the chance to fend for itself before deciding to take medicine.
Here are a few suggestions for naturally treating those irritating flu symptoms.
Fever is your body's natural reaction to fighting off illness, and it is a good sign that your system is working properly; granted temperatures above 104 degrees needs to be watched closely to ensure that there is not a more serious illness. Here is a website that tells a little more about fevers if you are still concerned Since high fevers can be painful, I recommend reaching for the vinegar instead of the Tylenol since vinegar can help to actually draw out the infection versus treating the symptoms. Take a warm (not hot) bath with about 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar and soak in it for about 20 minutes then rinse. You may also soak a washcloth and your socks in vinegar water and rest with the washcloth over your forehead while wearing the socks on your feet; sounds odd but it does help.
For Sore Throats
There are a few options that you can try to help to alleviate a sore throat. Honey is very good in coating a sore throat and it tastes wonderful. Take one teaspoon by itself or you can put it into some hot tea for an added soothing trick. Hot liquids are wonderful for soothing a sore throat. You may try tea and honey, hot water and lemon, or mix all three! Green Tea and chamomile are wonderful choices of tea when you are sick because they have a powerful soothing aroma and they taste great. Another trick is to gargle with a little bit of salt water; add just enough that you can taste it but it shouldn't be like gargling the Dead Sea.
Ear Infection
This can become dangerous if an ear infection goes untreated for a long period of time; they are usually a result of an upper respiratory infection and are a common flu symptom. Here is a link to an eHow that explains all the steps to naturally get rid of an ear infection and it starts to work almost immediately
Chicken Soup for Your Health
Chicken soup is great when you're sick, but try to stay away from those high priced, high sodium, bad for you soups that are in your grocery store. Most soups today have high levels of sodium regardless if they say that they are reduced or not. Also, the ingredients in most soups are so highly processed that they aren't even healthy any longer. Here is a link to a recipe that I came up with for wonderful homemade chicken noodle soup.
It's no secret that vitamin C is good for you, but getting your nutrients from the source is a lot better than those concentrated ones that you get from the store. Juice your own or eat it plain, either way an orange works well with boosting your immune system as well as making a tasty treat.
The best form of protection from the flu is prevention through eating right and exercising. While the flu may be inevitable sometimes, your recovery depends on how well you've been taking care of yourself. Drink plenty of fluids regardless of how well you feel and try to stay away from a lot of sugar and salt that breaks down your immune system.
Posted by Positive*Energy
Tips for spending less on produce
The biggest reason that people do not eat healthy is primarily because of the high cost of produce. While it does cost a little more to live healthier, it is still a great investment. I provided a few tips on some ways that you can try to save money by buying more natural foods.
* I will always suggest the local farmer's market as the best bet because you are guaranteed freshness and the prices are significantly more affordable. As an added bonus, you interact with the farmers yourself so you may ask questions regarding how the plants were grown and harvested.
* Grow a small garden yourself; if you stick to simple plants such as tomatoes and green beans then that will save you a little bit of money during the months that they are in season. You may even have enough to share with neighbors and friends. It is not difficult to grow your own garden and you will save a little money in the process.
* Check out your local health food store. While a majority of the items in a health store are highly priced, some may offer sales at certain times in the month. Ask if they have any ads that display items that are on sale or ask if they have any specials or discounts. Especially find out when they get new produce and breads in. Because everything is natural and free from preservatives, a lot of items can't stay on their shelves for long so they lower the prices to get rid of them before they spoil.
* Buying fresh produce from the grocery store is not always as nutritious as people may believe. If fruits and vegetables have to be transported from great distances then the nutritional content of that produce is less than that of freshly picked produce. For this reason, frozen fruits and vegetables are sometimes better choices. Most of the frozen produce was picked and then immediately frozen to maintain freshness. The purity of the produce is maintained greater during the freezing process. It's also easy to prepare and you may use as much as you like and store the rest. It will save you money because you won't have to constantly throw away the produce that goes bad.
* If you are buying from the grocery store, then try to shop between Monday and Wednesday because the grocery stores tend to restock around the middle of the week and prices go up closer to the weekend. Always check your sale ads and it pays to have a membership card for items that go on sale to valued customers. I also checked out a website that compares prices of local store items that go on sale in your area. It's and all you need to do is input your zip code and choose the stores that you would like to browse. I called one of my stores to verify the prices and they were all correct. If you are in doubt, call ahead so you don't waste a trip.
It's easy to be seduced by the inexpensive canned fruits and vegetables; however, they offer no nutritional value because of the sodium and other preservatives. Anything that is heavily processed will only cause more harm then good which is why eating fresh fruits and vegetables will benefit your health greatly. Not to mention, fresh produce tastes a lot better too!
Posted by Positive*Energy
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
How Did You Die?
I wanted to share this poem because it has gotten me through a lot of hard times, and I feel that it could help serve to inspire others as well. It's 'How Did You Die' by Edmund Vance Cook and it is my all-time, hands down favorite.Did you tackle that trouble that came your way
With a resolute heart and cheerful?
Or hide your face from the light of day
With a craven soul and fearful?
Oh, a trouble’s a ton, or a trouble’s an ounce,
Or a trouble is what you make it.
And it isn’t the fact that you’re hurt that counts,
But only how did you take it?
You are beaten to earth? Well, well, what’s that?
Come up with a smiling face.
It’s nothing against you to fall down flat,
But to lie there -- that’s disgrace.
The harder you’re thrown, why the higher you bounce;
Be proud of your blackened eye!
It isn’t the fact that you’re licked that counts;
It’s how did you fight and why?
And though you be done to death, what then?
If you battled the best you could;
If you played your part in the world of men,
Why, the Critic will call it good.
Death comes with a crawl, or comes with a pounce,
And whether he’s slow or spry,
It isn’t the fact that you’re dead that counts,
But only, how did you die?
Posted by Positive*Energy
Labels: Edmund Vance Cook, Inspire, Poetry
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Energy Medicine
This is a topic that will be greatly discussed in the future, and I was able to find a video that explains how energy medicine works. This is an excellent system and I know that it will be able to help so many with all of their health issues. This is a wonderful video and most informative.
If anyone has any questions concerning energy water please do not hesitate to contact me at or go to the Energy Medicine Foundation's main website
Posted by Positive*Energy
Great Morning Breakfast
Posted by Positive*Energy
Labels: cereal, healthy, Nutritious breakfast
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Apple Carrot Juice
Apple Carrot Juice
This is such a simple and affordable method to improve your health, and it takes almost no time to make.
Apple Carrot Juice Recipe
1 Carrot
1 Apple
- Slice the apple and clean out the seeds and the stem
-Add the fruit and vegetable into a juicer one at a time
-Pour and enjoy!
*You may add additional fruits and veggies as you desire.
*You may add honey for additional sweetness
*This recipe makes for one 8oz glass of juice
This is a much better way to start your day because apples and carrots are rich in vitamins A, B, and E and antioxidants; which help to slow the aging process, repairs damaged skin, and it tastes wonderful. This is a better alternative to those high priced artificial juices in the stores and it costs a lot less.
~Cheers to your health~
Posted by Positive*Energy
Friday, January 22, 2010
The Importance of Goal Setting
Everyone gets to a certain point in their lives where they feel that they are stuck in one place, and it feels as if the whole world is moving rapidly around them as they are held in a state of merciless inertia. Rest assured that it is not abnormal to feel this way, and that you are not alone in any way on this. I don't find this misguided attitude to be a derivative of depression, but rather a temporary disorganization in one's goals. Even though you may be following track in the traditional sense (i.e. finishing college, getting a job, finding that special one, having kids etc), there may be something else that you are missing that will fill the void of those in between places. I am talking about passions, and I'm not referring to a Fabio romance either. I am talking about the internal driving forces that tell us what we really want out of life, and it's important to fasten yourself to those passions otherwise you would have only succeeded in creating the frame of a 'happy' life while missing the picture altogether. This is generally the time when that pesky state of inertia comes back, and all the hopeless feelings as well.
While planning your traditional goals, also plan for your smaller goals, and start working towards making those goals happen. One of the classes that I had taken in college taught the importance of SMART goals; Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time Bound. Specific is referring to every detail of things that you would like to accomplish (i.e. getting an 'A' on your next homework assignment, doing well on your interview for the job that you are applying to, etc) These small, specific goals are essential when trying to get to the bigger picture. Measurable is discerning whether the specific goals that you are working towards are right for you at that point in your life. It's not realistic to plan for an expensive excursion to Europe in a month while you are working three jobs just to pay your rent and finish college. Is that goal maybe something that can be long term that you will have to work up towards? Yes, you can still make large goals but you need to evaluate if and when they are most measurable. Attainable is essentially the same thing. Are these goals something that can be attained shortly? Relevant is another important step in goal planning. Are those minor goals along the way going to help you to towards accomplishing your bigger goals? It makes no sense to waste 9 years at law school to try to become a dentist. Time also plays a key role in setting your goals because you need to factor in the time that it is going to take to work towards them. Going back to my last example, you can't just list 'becoming a dentist' after 'finishing high school' on your to-do list; it doesn't work like that. You need to figure out how long it is going to take you to accomplish the minor goals leading up to your long term goals. This can be somewhat irritating to plan because there will always be those minor setbacks along the way that throws a monkey wrench right in the center of all your plans. That's when you sit down and evaluate your SMART goals again, and get yourself back on track.
Don't think of goal setting as a type of chore either, have fun with it. Making plans to accomplish all your dreams and passions can be an exciting event, because it allows you to explore all the wonders that you could experience. There are no words to describe how wonderful it feels when you accomplish one of those goals on your list and to be able to say "I did it!". It helps motivate you to the next goal and then the next goal and so on; then VOILA your dreams come true. And do you know what you do next? Dream some more then sit down and make more SMART goals. You will find that your life is so much more fulfilling if you constantly feel that you are working towards something. Another positive side to this is that you will be so preoccupied with your plans that your state of inertia will be a thing of the past.
It is important to have goals prior to seeking out a partner also. This way you can meet someone who [maybe] has the same desires in life that you do, and you can have someone to plan with. This is a key element when in a relationship, but we will leave that to another blog. :)
I have included a link to the source of my SMART information. This was one of the tools that we used in my class, and it was helpful for us to finally get started with creating this business. We hope that this acronym will be helpful for others as well. Now, go set some goals, and have a positive day! :D
Posted by Positive*Energy
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Red Cross
We all feel the incredible pain as a result of the terrible earthquakes in Haiti. Thank goodness for all the volunteers that are bringing aid to this horrible event. Here is a link to the Red Cross's blog so that you may also follow the progress of this tragedy. It is so powerful to see people from all over the world uniting to help those in need. There is also a link on their website for information on how to volunteer or donate funds to help with this relief. We are praying for everyone who was affected by this tragedy, and we are sending thanks for everyone who has it in their heart to help.
Posted by Positive*Energy
Labels: Red Cross
Exciting News!
Mark and I are starting up our new lineup for our classes, and we are estimating that we should begin teaching by the beginning of Spring! We are gathering our resources, compiling our information, and creating our PowerPoints now. The initial start up of any business is difficult, but once we are more settled then we will be hitting the ground running! Literally! :)
We ended up staying up into the wee hours of the night last night just discussing our plans for Positive*Energy; what all we want to do, how we want to do it..everything. I must confess that the excitement is so intense right now that neither of us mind these wee hours at all. We can definitely feel the winds of change upon us, and we can't wait! :)
We will give updates on our progress as times goes on. Right now we are trying to figure out the best ways to network and get our site out to the public. It would be helpful if we weren't so computer illiterate. lol :) You can follow our progress by following us on our Blogger and our Twitter account. More to come once we get our other websites activated also. We look forward to seeing you all soon. Have a positive day! :D
Posted by Positive*Energy
Labels: Spring classes
Friday, January 8, 2010
Welcome to Positive*Energy!
I would, first, like to thank you for your interest in Positive*Energy, and invite you to become a part of a team of people who are devoted to natural healing, holistic health, and the wonders of the human mind and body. We are still in the process of adding articles, resources, and various topics of interest ranging from inspiring stories to recipes, fitness to alternative medicine, and a few of my own personal philosophies, as well. Once we get this site up and running, we feel that it will be a useful tool for people who are in the need of a little inspiration and hope once in awhile.
Our whole intention with this it to spread positive meaning for others and to help people find a way of growing in every aspect of life. I can't count how many times a day that I stumble on something wonderful and wish that I had a way of sharing my experiences (or findings) with others. This site will allow me to share all the wonders that sometimes can be overlooked or not fully understood. We are very passionate about life, and we want to be able to open others eyes to the beauty of life and all its possibilities.
We also provide LifeCoaching services to those who need help with overcoming obstacles or tragedy or just simply lost [or haven't found] their direction in life. We would like to provide the help that you need to start living a healthy life free from mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional restraints. This is our passion in life, to help others; and we look forward to having the opportunity to change the way people view life and its wonders.
We provided a link to our Twitter account, and we are still in the process of creating a more extensive website that we plan to have running sometime around Spring-Summer. If you have any comments, suggestions, or are interested in our LifeCoaching services you can email us at
Again, thank you for your interest in Positive*Energy, and we look forward to working with you. :D
Posted by Positive*Energy
Labels: Welcome letter.