Friday, January 8, 2010

Welcome to Positive*Energy!

I would, first, like to thank you for your interest in Positive*Energy, and invite you to become a part of a team of people who are devoted to natural healing, holistic health, and the wonders of the human mind and body. We are still in the process of adding articles, resources, and various topics of interest ranging from inspiring stories to recipes, fitness to alternative medicine, and a few of my own personal philosophies, as well. Once we get this site up and running, we feel that it will be a useful tool for people who are in the need of a little inspiration and hope once in awhile.
Our whole intention with this it to spread positive meaning for others and to help people find a way of growing in every aspect of life. I can't count how many times a day that I stumble on something wonderful and wish that I had a way of sharing my experiences (or findings) with others. This site will allow me to share all the wonders that sometimes can be overlooked or not fully understood. We are very passionate about life, and we want to be able to open others eyes to the beauty of life and all its possibilities.
We also provide LifeCoaching services to those who need help with overcoming obstacles or tragedy or just simply lost [or haven't found] their direction in life. We would like to provide the help that you need to start living a healthy life free from mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional restraints. This is our passion in life, to help others; and we look forward to having the opportunity to change the way people view life and its wonders.

We provided a link to our Twitter account, and we are still in the process of creating a more extensive website that we plan to have running sometime around Spring-Summer. If you have any comments, suggestions, or are interested in our LifeCoaching services you can email us at

Again, thank you for your interest in Positive*Energy, and we look forward to working with you. :D